

Senate Elections

Noticeboard: General Notices / Department Circular / Notifications

1. 09/01/2024Form for Change of Address of Registered Graduates-2024
2. 09/01/2024Form for Fresh Enrolment of Registered Graduate-2024
3. 01/07/2022Schedule of the meetings of various Faculties (For Fellows only)
4. 12/10/2021Notice regarding Counting of Votes
5. 09/10/2021Notice of 2nd phase Polling/change of booths (Registered Graduates Constituency)
6. 06/10/2021Notice Regarding Date of Election of Phase II for Registered Graduate Constituency
7. 01/10/2021Appointment of Polling Staff at the various polling booths for the conduct of (Phase – II) of Senate Election for the Constituency of Registered Graduates.
8. 24/09/2021Notice Regarding Strong Room for Ballot Boxes
9. 20/09/2021Phase wise conduct of Senate Election for Registered Graduate Constituency.
10. 16/09/2021Handbook of Instructions for Presiding Officers and Polling Staff for Registered Graduate Cosntituency (26.09.2021)
13. 07/09/2021Notice Regarding Date of Election for Registered Graduate Constituency (26.09.2021)
14. 21/08/2021Notice - Faculty Elections
15. 17/08/2021Corrigendum (Heads of Affiliated Arts Colleges 18.08.2021) under CWP14338/2021
16. 15/08/2021Notice Regarding Voter List & Polling Booths of Heads and Staff of Affiliated Arts Colleges
17. 15/08/2021Booth List of Affiliated Arts Colleges (18.08.2021)
18. 15/08/2021Voter List of Professors, Associate Professors & Assistant Professors of Affiliated Arts Colleges (18.08.2021)
19. 15/08/2021Voter List of heads of Affiliated Arts Colleges (18.08.2021)
20. 14/08/2021Notice Regarding Change in Booths of Affiliated Arts College for Ferozepur, Hoshiarpur and Malout (18.08.2021)
21. 13/08/2021Orders of Postponement of Senate Elections 2020 of Registered Graduate Constituency
22. 09/08/2021Notice Regarding Polling Booths for Senate Election to be held on 10.08.2021 (University Teaching Departments)
23. 04/08/2021Notice - Regarding Constituency Principal Technical & Professional Colleges
24. 02/08/2021Notice regarding Disaster Management Act 2005
25. 02/08/2021Corrigendum (Principals of Technical & Professional Colleges) under CWP14427/2021
26. 02/08/2021Notice- Regarding Voter Lists of Tech. & Professional Colleges 3.8.2021
28. 30/07/2021Voter list of Staff of Technical & Professional Colleges (03.08.2021)
29. 30/07/2021Voter List of Principals of Technical & Professional Colleges(03.08.2021).
30. 27/07/2021Booth List of Professors, Associate Professors and Assistant Professors on the Staff of Teaching Departments of the University
31. 27/07/2021Booth list of Technical & Professional Colleges (03.08.2021)
32. 20/07/2021Schedule of Senate Election August 2021
34. 24/04/2021Rescheduled the date of Election of Six Ordinary Fellows from various Faculties to 19.05.2021
35. 23/04/2021REVISED Programme of the meetings of various Faculties to be held on 26.04.2021 for election of Six Ordinary Fellows in the Panjab University, Chandigarh.
36. 16/04/2021Programme of the meetings of various Faculties to be held on 26.04.2021 for election of Six Ordinary Fellows in the Panjab University, Chandigarh.
37. 06/04/2021Fresh Dates of Senate Election
38. 15/10/2020Notice regarding conduct of Senate Election
39. 01/09/2020Final List of Candidates - Election of Fifteen Ordinary Fellows from the Constituency of Registered Graduates 2020
40. 01/09/2020FINAL LIST OF CANDIDATES- Election of Eight Ordinary Fellows from the constituency of Professors, Associate Professors & Assistant Professors of affiliated Arts Colleges
41. 01/09/2020FINAL LIST OF CANDIDATES- Election of Eight Ordinary Fellows from the constituency of Heads of affiliated Arts Colleges
42. 24/08/2020Notice Regarding Withdrawal of Nomination Papers of Registered Graduate Constituency
43. 21/08/2020List of Candidates for the Constituency of Registered Graduates whose nomination papers have been found valid after scrutiny
44. 21/08/2020FINAL LIST OF CANDIDATES- Election of Two Ordinary Fellows from the constituency of Associate Professors/ Assistant Professors on the staff of the Teaching Departments of the University
45. 21/08/2020FINAL LIST OF CANDIDATES- Election of Two Ordinary Fellows from the constituency of Professors on the staff of the Teaching Departments of the University
46. 20/08/2020List of Nomination Papers Received for Registered Graduates Constituency - Senate Election 2020
47. 19/08/2020Notice Regarding Scrutiny of Nomination Papers of Registered Graduates Constituency
48. 18/08/2020List of Candidates for the constituency of Professors, Associate Prof. & Assistant Prof. of affiliated Arts Colleges whose nomination papers have been found valid after scrutiny
49. 18/08/2020List of Candidates for the constituency of Heads of affiliated Arts Colleges whose nomination papers have been found valid after scrutiny
50. 16/08/2020Notice regarding Scrutiny of Nomination papers of Heads and Professors/ Associate Professors/ Assistant Professors of affiliated Arts Colleges
52. 15/08/2020Office Order - Postponed Senate Elections 2020 of all Constituencies.
53. 14/08/2020FINAL LIST OF CANDIDATES- Election of Three Ordinary Fellows from the constituency of Principals of Technical & Professional Colleges
54. 14/08/2020FINAL LIST OF CANDIDATES- Election of Three Ordinary Fellows from the constituency of Staff of Technical & Professional Colleges
55. 14/08/2020Senate Election 2020 - List of Nominations received for Professors, Associate Professors & Assistant Professors of affiliated Arts Colleges.
56. 14/08/2020Senate Election 2020 - List of Nominations received for Heads of affiliated Arts Colleges
57. 11/08/2020Notice Inviting Nomination papers for Registered Graduate Constituency
58. 10/08/2020List of Candidates for the constituency of Associate Prof. & Assistant Prof. on the staff of the Teaching Deptts. of the Univ. whose nomination papers have been found valid after scrutiny
59. 10/08/2020List of Candidates for the constituency of Professors on the staff of the Teaching Departments of the University whose nomination papers have been found valid after scrutiny
60. 10/08/2020Nomination Paper for Registered Graduate Constituency (Appendix G)
61. 07/08/2020Notice regarding Scrutiny of Nomination papers of Professors and Associate Professors & Assistant Professors on the Staff of the Teaching Departments of the University
62. 07/08/2020Senate Election 2020 - List of Nominations received for Associate Professors & Assistant Professors on the Staff of the Teaching Departments of the University
63. 07/08/2020Senate Election 2020 -List of Nominations received for Professors on the Staff of Teaching Departments of the University
64. 05/08/2020Release of Final (Supplementary) List of Voters-Registered Graduate Constituency
65. 04/08/2020List of Candidates for the constituency of Staff of Technical & Professional Colleges whose nomination papers have been found valid after scrutiny
66. 04/08/2020List of Candidates for the constituency of Principals of Technical & Professional Colleges whose nomination papers have been found valid after scrutiny
67. 03/08/2020Notice inviting Nominations for Heads & Prof., Assoc. and Asstt. Prof. of affiliated Arts Colgs.
68. 31/07/2020Notice regarding Scrutiny of Nomination papers of Principal & Staff of Tech. & Prof. Colleges
69. 31/07/2020Senate Election 2020 -List of Nominations for Staff of Tech. & Prof colleges
70. 31/07/2020Senate Election 2020 -List of Nominations for Principals of Tech. & Prof colleges
71. 27/07/2020Notice inviting Nomination for Prof. & Assoc. Prof.-Asstt. Prof. on the staff of the Teaching Deptt. of the Uni
72. 26/07/2020Notice Regarding Objections to the Preliminary List of Voters
73. 21/07/2020Extension of Last date for receipt of claims and objections for Registered Graduate Constituency
74. 21/07/2020List of Applicants under Discrepancy,Under Process,Invalid,Not Eligible- Registered Graduate Constituency 2020
75. 20/07/2020Notice Inviting Nomination for Principal & Staff of Technical & Professional Colleges
76. 17/07/2020Regarding Booth Change Requests for Old Voters of Registered Graduate Constituency
77. 17/07/2020Release of Preliminary List of Voter for Registered Graduate Constituency
78. 29/06/2020Circular 784-918/SEL Regarding Appointing of Polling Staff
79. 23/06/2020Senate Election- 2020 Preliminary Register of Electors Heads & Professors, Associate Prof. & Assistant Prof. of Affiliated Arts Colleges of Panjab University.
80. 23/06/2020Final Schedule for Senate Election 2020 (Registered Graduate Constituency)
81. 17/06/2020Senate Election- 2020 Preliminary Register of Electors Professors, Associate Prof. & Assistant Prof. of Uni.
82. 13/06/2020Regarding timings for form submission of Registered Graduate Constituency on 15 & 16.06.2020
83. 10/06/2020Senate Election 2020 Preliminary Register of Electors.
84. 01/06/2020Last date for enrolment as Registered Graduate extended up to 16.06.2020
85. 01/06/2020Enrolment forms for Registered Graduate Constituency must have original fee receipt
86. 28/05/2020Regarding submission of Fresh Enrolment Form of Registered Graduates
87. 22/05/2020Schedule for Election of Six Ordinary Fellows by the Faculties (Minor Correction) - 2020
88. 03/05/2020Regarding last date of fresh enrolment as Registered graduate
89. 12/03/2020Number of Seats for each Constituency for Senate Election 2020
90. 12/03/2020Extension of Date of Fresh enrolment as Registered Graduate
91. 19/02/2020Fresh Enrollment for Registered Graduate for Senate Election 2020
92. 03/02/2020Revised Election Notice for Defaulters Senate Election-2020
93. 24/01/2020Three Notices for Registered Graduate Constituency (24.01.2020) Senate Election -2020
94. 24/01/2020 Eligibility Conditions for Registered Graduate Constituency Senate Election -2020
95. 24/01/2020Schedule for Election for Ordinary Fellows by Constituencies Other than Registered Graduates and faculties - 2020
96. 24/01/2020Schedule for Election of Ordinary Fellows by Registered Graduate Constituency - 2020
97. 24/01/2020Schedule of Senate Election-2020
98. 07/01/2020Change of Address of Registered Graduates
99. 18/03/2019Notice regarding valid Nomination Papers
100. 15/03/2019Notice- Received Nomination Papers and Scrutiny
101. 06/03/2019Nomination Paper for By-Election 2019
102. 05/03/2019Notice inviting Nominations for Senate By-Election-2019
103. 05/03/2019Final Register of Electors has been Released
104. 22/02/2019Notice Regarding Objections to Preliminary Register of Electors
105. 22/01/2019Senate By-Election-2019:Preliminary List of Electors
106. 24/01/2018Intimation card for voters of By-Election
107. 08/01/2018Valid Nomination papers
108. 02/01/2018Received Nomination papers
109. 22/12/2017Notice
110. 14/11/2017Preliminary list for By-Election Released
111. 10/11/2017Schedule for By-Election of One Ordinary Fellow (Heads of Affiliated Arts Colleges)
112. 08/11/2016Chancellor approved list of the Senate members of the Panjab University for the term November 1, 2016 to October 31, 2020
113. 26/09/2016Notice for counting of votes for the elections held on 25/09/2016
114. 19/09/2016Documents Required While Casting Vote On 25.09.2016
115. 19/09/2016Handbook of Instructions for Polling Staff for Senate Election 25.09.2016
116. 16/09/2016Election of Professors/Readers and Lecturers on the staff of University Teaching Departments:: 19/09/2016
117. 11/09/2016Honorarium Details for Polling Parties/Staff for Senate Election 2016
118. 11/09/2016Control Room Number for Senate Election 2016
119. 10/09/2016Color of Boxes to be used for 12.9.2016 Yellow ="Principal" & Blue="Staff"
120. 10/09/2016Revised Booth List for Registered Graduates Constituency
121. 10/09/2016Important notice
122. 05/09/2016Handbook of instructions for polling staff for Election of Teaching Departments of the University
123. 05/09/2016Handbook of instructions for polling Staff for Technical & Professional Colleges
124. 01/09/2016Final list of candidates for constituency of Professors , Associate Professors & Assistant Professors of affiliated Arts Colleges
125. 01/09/2016Final ist of candidates for constituency of Heads of affiliated Arts Colleges
126. 31/08/2016Booth List Senate Election for Principals and Staff of Technical and Professional Colleges
127. 30/08/2016Final List of Candidates- Election of Two Ordinary Fellows from the constituency of Readers or Associate Professors and Assistant Professors on the Staff of Teaching Departments
128. 30/08/2016Final List of Candidates-Election of Two Ordinary Fellows from the constituency of Professors on the Staff of Teaching Departments
129. 29/08/2016Proforma for Appointment of Polling Agent: Senate Election 2016
130. 26/08/2016Final List of Candidates (Registered Graduate)
131. 24/08/2016Polling booths for Senate Election 2016
132. 23/08/2016List of Candidates for the constituency of Professors, Assoc. Professors and Asstt. Prof. of Affiliated Arts Colleges whose nomination papers have been found valid after scrutiny
133. 23/08/2016 List of Candidates for the constituency of Heads of Affiliated Arts Colleges whose nomination papers have been found valid after scrutiny
134. 20/08/2016FINAL LIST OF CANDIDATES- Election of Three Ordinary Fellows from the constituency of Staff of Technical & Professional Colleges
135. 20/08/2016 FINAL LIST OF CANDIDATES- Election of Three Ordinary Fellows from the constituency of Principals of Technical & Professional Colleges
136. 18/08/2016List of Nominations received for the constituency of Professors., Assoc. Prof. & Asstt. Prof. of Affiliated Arts Colleges
137. 18/08/2016List of Nominations received for the constituency of Heads of Affiliated Arts Colleges
138. 17/08/2016List of candidates for the constituency of Registered Graduates whose nomination papers have been found valid after scrutiny
139. 16/08/2016List of nominations received for the Registered Graduates Constituency
140. 12/08/2016Nominations received for the constituency of Professors on the staff of university teaching departments
141. 12/08/2016Nominations received for the constituency of Readers/Associate Professors and Assistant Professors on the staff of university teaching departments
142. 09/08/2016A List of Candidates for the constituency of Staff of Technical & Professional Colleges whose nomination papers have been found valid after scrutiny
143. 09/08/2016List of Candidates for the constituency of Principals of Technical & Professional Colleges whose nomination papers have been found valid after scrutiny
144. 08/08/2016Notice Inviting Nomination for the Constituencies of Heads and Professors, Associate Professors and Assistant Professors of the Affiliated Arts Colleges for Senate Election 2016
145. 05/08/2016List of nominations received for the constituency of Staff of Technical & Professional Colleges
146. 05/08/2016List of nominations received for the constituency of Principals of Technical & Professional Colleges
147. 02/08/2016Notice Inviting Nomination for the Registered Graduates Constituency for Senate Election 2016
148. 01/08/2016Notice Inviting Nomination for the Constituencies of Professors and Reader/Associate Professors and Assistant Professors on the Staff of Teaching Departments of the University for Senate Election 2016
149. 25/07/2016Notice Inviting Nomination for the Constituencies of Principals and Staff of Technical and Professional Colleges for Senate Election 2016
150. 28/06/2016(Updated)List of applicants Without Signatures or Incomplete or No Address in their enrolment forms (List of INVALID Forms)
151. 28/06/2016(Updated)List of applicants who have been found NOT ELIGIBLE to be enrolled as Registered Graduates for Senate Election 2016
152. 24/06/2016(Updated)Discrepancy List
153. 24/06/2016List of applicants who have filled multiple forms to get enrolled as Registered Graduates for Senate Election 2016
154. 24/06/2016List of applicants who have applied afresh but were already Registered as Graduates before 2016
155. 22/06/2016Schedule for Election of Ordinary Fellows By Constituencies other than Registered Graduates and Faculties 2016
156. 15/06/2016Senate Election Schedule 2016 for Registered Graduate Constituency (Revised)
157. 15/02/2016Registered Graduate Constituency will be held on 25.09.2016

Enquiry No(s): 1800-180-2065, +91 172 2534818, 2534866 (from 9:30 am to 1:00 pm & 2:30 pm to 5:00 pm on working days )

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