

Senate Elections

Information & Updates

Schedule of Senate Election August 2021

Schedule of Senate Elections August 2021

Click here to view: Schedule of Senate Election August 2021

1Form for Change of Address of Registered Graduates-2024
2Form for Fresh Enrolment of Registered Graduate-2024
3Schedule of the meetings of various Faculties (For Fellows only)
4Notice regarding Counting of Votes
5Notice of 2nd phase Polling/change of booths (Registered Graduates Constituency)
6Notice Regarding Date of Election of Phase II for Registered Graduate Constituency
7Appointment of Polling Staff at the various polling booths for the conduct of (Phase – II) of Senate Election for the Constituency of Registered Graduates.
8Notice Regarding Strong Room for Ballot Boxes
9Phase wise conduct of Senate Election for Registered Graduate Constituency.
10Handbook of Instructions for Presiding Officers and Polling Staff for Registered Graduate Cosntituency (26.09.2021)
13Notice Regarding Date of Election for Registered Graduate Constituency (26.09.2021)
14Notice - Faculty Elections
15Corrigendum (Heads of Affiliated Arts Colleges 18.08.2021) under CWP14338/2021
16Notice Regarding Voter List & Polling Booths of Heads and Staff of Affiliated Arts Colleges
17Booth List of Affiliated Arts Colleges (18.08.2021)
18Voter List of Professors, Associate Professors & Assistant Professors of Affiliated Arts Colleges (18.08.2021)
19Voter List of heads of Affiliated Arts Colleges (18.08.2021)
20Notice Regarding Change in Booths of Affiliated Arts College for Ferozepur, Hoshiarpur and Malout (18.08.2021)
21Orders of Postponement of Senate Elections 2020 of Registered Graduate Constituency
22Notice Regarding Polling Booths for Senate Election to be held on 10.08.2021 (University Teaching Departments)
23Notice - Regarding Constituency Principal Technical & Professional Colleges
24Notice regarding Disaster Management Act 2005
25Corrigendum (Principals of Technical & Professional Colleges) under CWP14427/2021
26Notice- Regarding Voter Lists of Tech. & Professional Colleges 3.8.2021
28Contact Numbers of Centralized Control Room for Senate Election to be held on 03.08.2021
29Voter list of Staff of Technical & Professional Colleges (03.08.2021)
30Voter List of Principals of Technical & Professional Colleges(03.08.2021).
31Booth List of Professors, Associate Professors and Assistant Professors on the Staff of Teaching Departments of the University
32Booth list of Technical & Professional Colleges (03.08.2021)
34Rescheduled the date of Election of Six Ordinary Fellows from various Faculties to 19.05.2021
35REVISED Programme of the meetings of various Faculties to be held on 26.04.2021 for election of Six Ordinary Fellows in the Panjab University, Chandigarh.
36Invite Quotations for Personal Accident Group Insurance Cover for University Staff on duty for the conduct of Senate Election 2020-21 for the period w.e.f. 01.05.2021 to 20.05.2021.
37Programme of the meetings of various Faculties to be held on 26.04.2021 for election of Six Ordinary Fellows in the Panjab University, Chandigarh.
38Fresh Dates of Senate Election
39Notice regarding conduct of Senate Election
40Final List of Candidates - Election of Fifteen Ordinary Fellows from the Constituency of Registered Graduates 2020
41FINAL LIST OF CANDIDATES- Election of Eight Ordinary Fellows from the constituency of Professors, Associate Professors & Assistant Professors of affiliated Arts Colleges
42FINAL LIST OF CANDIDATES- Election of Eight Ordinary Fellows from the constituency of Heads of affiliated Arts Colleges
43Notice Regarding Withdrawal of Nomination Papers of Registered Graduate Constituency
44List of Candidates for the Constituency of Registered Graduates whose nomination papers have been found valid after scrutiny
45FINAL LIST OF CANDIDATES- Election of Two Ordinary Fellows from the constituency of Associate Professors/ Assistant Professors on the staff of the Teaching Departments of the University
46FINAL LIST OF CANDIDATES- Election of Two Ordinary Fellows from the constituency of Professors on the staff of the Teaching Departments of the University
47List of Nomination Papers Received for Registered Graduates Constituency - Senate Election 2020
48Notice Regarding Scrutiny of Nomination Papers of Registered Graduates Constituency
49List of Candidates for the constituency of Professors, Associate Prof. & Assistant Prof. of affiliated Arts Colleges whose nomination papers have been found valid after scrutiny
50List of Candidates for the constituency of Heads of affiliated Arts Colleges whose nomination papers have been found valid after scrutiny
51Notice regarding Scrutiny of Nomination papers of Heads and Professors/ Associate Professors/ Assistant Professors of affiliated Arts Colleges
53Office Order - Postponed Senate Elections 2020 of all Constituencies.
54FINAL LIST OF CANDIDATES- Election of Three Ordinary Fellows from the constituency of Principals of Technical & Professional Colleges
55FINAL LIST OF CANDIDATES- Election of Three Ordinary Fellows from the constituency of Staff of Technical & Professional Colleges
56Senate Election 2020 - List of Nominations received for Professors, Associate Professors & Assistant Professors of affiliated Arts Colleges.
57Senate Election 2020 - List of Nominations received for Heads of affiliated Arts Colleges
58Notice Inviting Nomination papers for Registered Graduate Constituency
59List of Candidates for the constituency of Associate Prof. & Assistant Prof. on the staff of the Teaching Deptts. of the Univ. whose nomination papers have been found valid after scrutiny
60List of Candidates for the constituency of Professors on the staff of the Teaching Departments of the University whose nomination papers have been found valid after scrutiny
61Nomination Paper for Registered Graduate Constituency (Appendix G)
62Notice regarding Scrutiny of Nomination papers of Professors and Associate Professors & Assistant Professors on the Staff of the Teaching Departments of the University
63Senate Election 2020 - List of Nominations received for Associate Professors & Assistant Professors on the Staff of the Teaching Departments of the University
64Senate Election 2020 -List of Nominations received for Professors on the Staff of Teaching Departments of the University
65Release of Final (Supplementary) List of Voters-Registered Graduate Constituency
66List of Candidates for the constituency of Staff of Technical & Professional Colleges whose nomination papers have been found valid after scrutiny
67List of Candidates for the constituency of Principals of Technical & Professional Colleges whose nomination papers have been found valid after scrutiny
68Notice inviting Nominations for Heads & Prof., Assoc. and Asstt. Prof. of affiliated Arts Colgs.
69Notice regarding Scrutiny of Nomination papers of Principal & Staff of Tech. & Prof. Colleges
70Senate Election 2020 -List of Nominations for Staff of Tech. & Prof colleges
71Senate Election 2020 -List of Nominations for Principals of Tech. & Prof colleges
72Notice inviting Nomination for Prof. & Assoc. Prof.-Asstt. Prof. on the staff of the Teaching Deptt. of the Uni
73Notice Regarding Objections to the Preliminary List of Voters
74Extension of Last date for receipt of claims and objections for Registered Graduate Constituency
75List of Applicants under Discrepancy,Under Process,Invalid,Not Eligible- Registered Graduate Constituency 2020
76Notice Inviting Nomination for Principal & Staff of Technical & Professional Colleges
77Regarding Booth Change Requests for Old Voters of Registered Graduate Constituency
78Release of Preliminary List of Voter for Registered Graduate Constituency
79Circular 784-918/SEL Regarding Appointing of Polling Staff
80Senate Election- 2020 Preliminary Register of Electors Heads & Professors, Associate Prof. & Assistant Prof. of Affiliated Arts Colleges of Panjab University.
81Final Schedule for Senate Election 2020 (Registered Graduate Constituency)
82Senate Election- 2020 Preliminary Register of Electors Professors, Associate Prof. & Assistant Prof. of Uni.
83Regarding timings for form submission of Registered Graduate Constituency on 15 & 16.06.2020
84Senate Election 2020 Preliminary Register of Electors.
85Last date for enrolment as Registered Graduate extended up to 16.06.2020
86Enrolment forms for Registered Graduate Constituency must have original fee receipt
87Regarding submission of Fresh Enrolment Form of Registered Graduates
88Schedule for Election of Six Ordinary Fellows by the Faculties (Minor Correction) - 2020
89Regarding last date of fresh enrolment as Registered graduate
90Number of Seats for each Constituency for Senate Election 2020
91Extension of Date of Fresh enrolment as Registered Graduate
92Fresh Enrollment for Registered Graduate for Senate Election 2020
93Revised Election Notice for Defaulters Senate Election-2020
94Three Notices for Registered Graduate Constituency (24.01.2020) Senate Election -2020
95 Eligibility Conditions for Registered Graduate Constituency Senate Election -2020
96Schedule for Election for Ordinary Fellows by Constituencies Other than Registered Graduates and faculties - 2020
97Schedule for Election of Ordinary Fellows by Registered Graduate Constituency - 2020
98Schedule of Senate Election-2020
99Change of Address of Registered Graduates
100Notice regarding valid Nomination Papers
101Notice- Received Nomination Papers and Scrutiny
102Nomination Paper for By-Election 2019
103Notice inviting Nominations for Senate By-Election-2019
104Final Register of Electors has been Released
105Notice Regarding Objections to Preliminary Register of Electors
106Senate By-Election-2019:Preliminary List of Electors
107Intimation card for voters of By-Election
108Valid Nomination papers
109Received Nomination papers
111Preliminary list for By-Election Released
112Schedule for By-Election of One Ordinary Fellow (Heads of Affiliated Arts Colleges)
113Chancellor approved list of the Senate members of the Panjab University for the term November 1, 2016 to October 31, 2020
114Notice for counting of votes for the elections held on 25/09/2016
115Documents Required While Casting Vote On 25.09.2016
116Handbook of Instructions for Polling Staff for Senate Election 25.09.2016
117Election of Professors/Readers and Lecturers on the staff of University Teaching Departments:: 19/09/2016
118Honorarium Details for Polling Parties/Staff for Senate Election 2016
119Control Room Number for Senate Election 2016
120Color of Boxes to be used for 12.9.2016 Yellow ="Principal" & Blue="Staff"
121Revised Booth List for Registered Graduates Constituency
122Important notice
123Handbook of instructions for polling staff for Election of Teaching Departments of the University
124Handbook of instructions for polling Staff for Technical & Professional Colleges
125Final list of candidates for constituency of Professors , Associate Professors & Assistant Professors of affiliated Arts Colleges
126Final ist of candidates for constituency of Heads of affiliated Arts Colleges
127Booth List Senate Election for Principals and Staff of Technical and Professional Colleges
128Final List of Candidates- Election of Two Ordinary Fellows from the constituency of Readers or Associate Professors and Assistant Professors on the Staff of Teaching Departments
129Final List of Candidates-Election of Two Ordinary Fellows from the constituency of Professors on the Staff of Teaching Departments
130Proforma for Appointment of Polling Agent: Senate Election 2016
131Final List of Candidates (Registered Graduate)
132Polling booths for Senate Election 2016
133List of Candidates for the constituency of Professors, Assoc. Professors and Asstt. Prof. of Affiliated Arts Colleges whose nomination papers have been found valid after scrutiny
134 List of Candidates for the constituency of Heads of Affiliated Arts Colleges whose nomination papers have been found valid after scrutiny
135FINAL LIST OF CANDIDATES- Election of Three Ordinary Fellows from the constituency of Staff of Technical & Professional Colleges
136 FINAL LIST OF CANDIDATES- Election of Three Ordinary Fellows from the constituency of Principals of Technical & Professional Colleges
137List of Nominations received for the constituency of Professors., Assoc. Prof. & Asstt. Prof. of Affiliated Arts Colleges
138List of Nominations received for the constituency of Heads of Affiliated Arts Colleges
139List of candidates for the constituency of Registered Graduates whose nomination papers have been found valid after scrutiny
140List of nominations received for the Registered Graduates Constituency
141Nominations received for the constituency of Professors on the staff of university teaching departments
142Nominations received for the constituency of Readers/Associate Professors and Assistant Professors on the staff of university teaching departments
143A List of Candidates for the constituency of Staff of Technical & Professional Colleges whose nomination papers have been found valid after scrutiny
144List of Candidates for the constituency of Principals of Technical & Professional Colleges whose nomination papers have been found valid after scrutiny
145Notice Inviting Nomination for the Constituencies of Heads and Professors, Associate Professors and Assistant Professors of the Affiliated Arts Colleges for Senate Election 2016
146List of nominations received for the constituency of Staff of Technical & Professional Colleges
147List of nominations received for the constituency of Principals of Technical & Professional Colleges
148Notice Inviting Nomination for the Registered Graduates Constituency for Senate Election 2016
149Notice Inviting Nomination for the Constituencies of Professors and Reader/Associate Professors and Assistant Professors on the Staff of Teaching Departments of the University for Senate Election 2016
150Notice Inviting Nomination for the Constituencies of Principals and Staff of Technical and Professional Colleges for Senate Election 2016
151(Updated)List of applicants Without Signatures or Incomplete or No Address in their enrolment forms (List of INVALID Forms)
152(Updated)List of applicants who have been found NOT ELIGIBLE to be enrolled as Registered Graduates for Senate Election 2016
153(Updated)Discrepancy List
154List of applicants who have filled multiple forms to get enrolled as Registered Graduates for Senate Election 2016
155List of applicants who have applied afresh but were already Registered as Graduates before 2016
156Schedule for Election of Ordinary Fellows By Constituencies other than Registered Graduates and Faculties 2016
157Senate Election Schedule 2016 for Registered Graduate Constituency (Revised)
158Registered Graduate Constituency will be held on 25.09.2016

Enquiry No(s): 1800-180-2065, +91 172 2534818, 2534866 (from 9:30 am to 1:00 pm & 2:30 pm to 5:00 pm on working days )

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